Readings for Animal Models in Behavioral Neuroscience

Fall 2021

Week 1

Welcome, syllabus, course organization and content

Week 2

Brainard, M.S. and Doupe, A.J., 2002. What songbirds teach us about learning. Nature, 417(6886), pp.351-358. PDF (optional)

Brainard, M.S. and Doupe, A.J., 2000. Interruption of a basal ganglia–forebrain circuit prevents plasticity of learned vocalizations. Nature, 404(6779), pp.762-766.: WEB

Week 3

Dave, A.S. and Margoliash, D., 2000. Song replay during sleep and computational rules for sensorimotor vocal learning. Science, 290(5492), pp.812-816. PDF

Hahnloser, R.H., Kozhevnikov, A.A. and Fee, M.S., 2002. An ultra-sparse code underlies the generation of neural sequences in a songbird. Nature419(6902), p.65. PDF

Week 4

Ölveczky, B.P., Andalman, A.S. and Fee, M.S., 2005. Vocal experimentation in the juvenile songbird requires a basal ganglia circuit. PLoS biology3(5), p.e153. WEB

Andalman, A.S. and Fee, M.S., 2009. A basal ganglia-forebrain circuit in the songbird biases motor output to avoid vocal errors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences106(30), pp.12518-12523. PDF

Week 5

Gadagkar, V., Puzerey, P.A., Chen, R., Baird-Daniel, E., Farhang, A.R. and Goldberg, J.H., 2016. Dopamine neurons encode performance error in singing birds. Science354(6317), pp.1278-1282. WEB

Week 6

Schultz, W., Dayan, P. and Montague, P.R., 1997. A neural substrate of prediction and reward. Science275(5306), pp.1593-1599. PDF

Week 7

Tolman, E.C., 1948. Cognitive maps in rats and men. Psychological review55(4). PDF

O'Keefe, J. and Dostrovsky, J., 1971. The hippocampus as a spatial map: preliminary evidence from unit activity in the freely-moving rat. Brain research. PDF

Week 8

Yartsev, M.M. and Ulanovsky, N., 2013. Representation of three-dimensional space in the hippocampus of flying bats. Science, 340(6130), pp.367-372. PDF

Aronov, D., Nevers, R. and Tank, D.W., 2017. Mapping of a non-spatial dimension by the hippocampal–entorhinal circuit. Nature, 543(7647), pp.719-722. PDF

Week 9

Foster, D.J. and Wilson, M.A., 2006. Reverse replay of behavioural sequences in hippocampal place cells during the awake state. Nature440(7084), p.680. PDF

Dusek, J.A. and Eichenbaum, H., 1997. The hippocampus and memory for orderly stimulus relations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences94(13), pp.7109-7114. PDF

Week 10

Miller, K.J., Botvinick, M.M. and Brody, C.D., 2017. Dorsal hippocampus contributes to model-based planning. Nature neuroscience, 20(9), pp.1269-1276. PDF

Brenner S. Nature's Gift to Science. 2002.

Week 11

Nestler, E.J. and Hyman, S.E., 2010. Animal models of neuropsychiatric disorders. Nature neuroscience, 13(10), pp.1161-1169. PDF

Week 12

Week 13

Tatalović, Mićo. “The Newest Lab Rat Has Eight Arms” Hakai Magazine, 3 Jun. 2019,  Accessed Jan 6 2020.

Amodio, P., Boeckle, M., Schnell, A.K., Ostojić, L., Fiorito, G. and Clayton, N.S., 2018. Grow Smart and Die Young: Why Did Cephalopods Evolve Intelligence? Trends in Ecology & Evolution. WEB

Week 14

Crook, R.J., Dickson, K., Hanlon, R.T. and Walters, E.T., 2014. Nociceptive sensitization reduces predation risk. Current Biology24(10), pp.1121-1125. PDF

see also: How do animals experience pain?