Quan Do & Naomi Shvedov Capture Top Spots in Kilachand Community Research Photo Contest

The Kilachand Center hosted its first annual Research Photo Contest, inviting community members to vote for their favorite submissions.

Quan Do won first place for his photo, Blue Light Missing the 'Blue Spot', which showcases a fiber optic cannula implant for laser stimulation that did not find its way to the locus coeruleus.

Naomi Shvedov won second place for her photo, Foreign Beginnings, New Connections, which depicts a single neuron (green) in a bird brain that was originally from a different bird, yet has matured and formed synapses within the brain of its new host. After transplantation, the neuron migrated from the graft site, matured, and now highlights the remarkable capacity for adult neurogenesis in songbirds. Captured with fluorescence confocal microscopy, her image showcases an immunohistochemically-processed brain slice several weeks after the bird received its brain graft and offers insights into the regenerative capacity of the adult brain.

Congratulations Quan and Naomi!

GROW Program Students Present at Annual Symposium

On August 11, 2024, rising high school seniors Hana Alcantara and Emma Xiao showcased the research they conducted over six weeks in our lab under the guidance of Lab Manager Christa Rose and PhD Student Anosha Khawaja-Lopez. We enjoy hosting GROW Program students each summer and supporting the next generation of scientists as they develop their research and communication skills!

Meghan Garrity wins the CAS College Prize in Psychology

Meghan Garrity has been awarded the 2020 CAS College Prize for Excellence in Psychological and Brain Sciences. This award is given to the graduating senior who has had the greatest impact on the Psychology community through scholarship and service. Congratulations Meghan!

Position available for research assistant / lab manager!

The Laboratory of Comparative Cognition at Boston University has a open position for a technical research assistant / lab manager. Duties include behavioral studies, working with DNA and gene editing technology, microscopy and, possibly, the undertaking of independent research projects. The position requires a 1-year minimum commitment and provides excellent training for medical school or graduate school.

If you are interested please email bbs [at] bu [dot] edu or apply here! We look forward to hearing from you!

New postdoctoral research opportunity available!

We are excited to announce a new opportunity for a postdoctoral fellowship in the Center for Systems Neuroscience and the Neurophotonics Center at Boston University. The postdoctoral fellow will pioneer the use of cutting-edge technologies for in vivo imaging (e.g. three photon microscopy, functional ultrasound, head-mounted optical microscopes) to study the cellular and circuit mechanisms that support complex behavior and cognition. Training and research will be supported the laboratories of Drs. Benjamin Scott and David Boas. Project selection and research direction will be guided by the candidate’s interests; we are here to facilitate the fellow’s passion, training and career development. Competitive candidates will be expected to hold a PhD in Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering or related fields at the start of the fellowship. Experience with animal behavior, in vivo imaging, gene editing and/or strong quantitative skills is especially desired.

Applicants should email a CV and a brief note describing their interests to bbs [at] bu [dot] edu. The deadline for applying is Dec 20, 2018. Top candidates will be invited to visit and share their graduate work at the Center for Systems Neuroscience at Boston University. We look forward to hearing from you!

Starting this fall at Boston University!

The Laboratory of Comparative Cognition will be starting at Boston University on September 1st.  Our research space will be located in the  Rajen Kilachand Center for Integrated Life Sciences & Engineering at 610 Commonwealth Ave. in Boston.